Sunday, August 22, 2010

Infected Hair Folicle On Stomach

Lifestyle MILITANT

The militant Autonomous Action must understand their militancy as a way of life. In Autonomous Action does not enter through membership, monthly or annual fee payment, bank transfer or PostaPay. In Autonomous Action can go in and campaigning - if you will - through the constant effort, daily attendance at meetings and activities organized and above all, making himself an example for others.
Here, the militant self must be an example:

  • must be and appear in front of everyone and every occasion uninterested in money, personal enrichment;

  • and seem to be an honest person , who has friends in the underworld, and seem to be a person from the system incorruptible;

  • must be able to camouflage in every workplace, exposing only after testing the waters and you understand what workers eventually lead to the cause. Not everyone is ready to fight in Autonomous Action;

  • seem like a person and must be equally disgusted by the Right and Left;

  • must listen first, and then talk.

  • seem like a person and must be respectful of themselves, their own or their partners, their families, their friends;

  • and seem to be open-minded person, ready to contamination and newcomers, but without ever losing the main thrust: to be autonomous;

  • if you are using alcohol (beer or wine) or natural soft drugs, must make a sober use;

  • must not make use of heroin, cocaine, synthetic drugs and hard drugs in general;

  • must dress as he pleases, except when actions (when you dress in black, as required and described here http: / /

  • should finally be ready at all times and in solidarity with other workers, and never use the work of others for their own enrichment.
who does not believe in these dictates, may be a sympathizer and a supporter of Autonomous Action. But it will never be a militant.


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