Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fax Fuser Brother Intelli 2820

Fiat, or the destruction of any rights of workers.

With supreme disgust, we believe it is inconceivable that Fiat is doing to the three dismissed workers Why would, during a strike, blocked the assembly and allowed to continue to work.
A judge acquitted of charges that the three workers (in fact guilty of being enrolled in the FIOM - the CGIL).
The same court ruled that the three should go back to work immediately.
Nevertheless, Fiat said it would prevent the three return to their rightful place of work can be carried out only in the company and union activities, not work.

The three workers today, wrote a letter to President Napolitano.
"Mr. President - they say - for men and not feel parasites of this society we want to earn our bread like any family man and not feel the salary without working. "The decision of the Fiat Sata" are not reinstated in our workplace is a clear violation of the law "but added," in a rule of law should not even be allowed to declare to all (including printing) of wanting to disregard legal provisions set by the court thereby showing contempt for the Constitution and laws. "

far are the times which resolved the issues of factory workers themselves.
are far times where the leaders of the Fiat Sata would have shaken the idea to prevent three employees to work, after a judge had given them reason.
Gone are 30-40 years time in which workers were entitled to aspire to manage independently, production and shifts the workshop or factory.

We say this with bitterness, those days are gone, those trade unionists were killed, those movements of the workers are gone. And there will be no more. The twentieth century has passed, closed chapter.
capitalism also ended with the twentieth century: in 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the system was aware of himself and was restored.
Twenty years that the system no longer no real competitor or opponent, has changed the means of your domain without changing the nature of the domain at all. The unipolar world has ensured the system and its servants (what we call "leaders") to grow rich, structured without any limitation, restriction, hindrance.
Globalization is, precisely, the consequence of all this. No Soviet Union or China and its people on the path of globalization: the USSR was dead and mainland China had already embraced capitalism, transforming from an "enemy" to "business partners".

Even Fiat, despite the death of Agnelli, has been restored. The Valletta today Marchionne is called. The Lambs now called Elkann. And, mind you, are not the same mold of his predecessors. Valletta did what he did at that time, with those players and those goals. Marchionne lives in another time, using different instruments, has opponents worthy of the name (just to see CISL and UIL), and has different goals from those of Valletta.
It 'important to understand this: the hard and radical opposition to the logic of economic and social Fiat can not be taken as 30-40 years ago.
Let it simply: there is no room for new BR. But there's even more room for consultations. E 'between these two poles that must be part of an action autonomous and radical contrast.

The right to work and life do not consult. You win.


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