Autonomous Action is not against the electoral instrument itself: every decision, every institution (by the cultural to the Parliament), is taken through an electoral system an election process.
Autonomous Action considers however, that true democracy can only be obtained when, to vote, are called persons entitled to vote, as aware of the most elementary norms of decency and fundamental institutions of a community.
Simply put: as long as everyone can go to vote, even those who do not know the name of the Italian president, but they know life and miracles of the competitors of Big Brother, Autonomous Action will be against the election.
Autonomous Action proposes a reduction of the electorate, which can only belong to those who demonstrate "knowing the most basic decency and the basic rules of the institutions of a community." Must demonstrate knowledge of these things, if you want to have the right to vote.
How to Select the electorate? Well, in the past, the right to vote was granted only to the nobles, then the rich, then men only. All these distinctions are wrong: neither the right of blood, nor to fortune, nor that of gender, have the right tools to select the electorate (the people).
E 'can, conversely, to imagine a kind of examination, those who want to vote but must take and pass. A sort of review where the applicant know the slightest evidence of what once was called Civics, a matter that should be reassessed with physical education.
Until, conversely, to vote shall be called the mass, not the people, then Autonomous Action will line up against the elections.
However, since we are extreme but not extreme, and believe that "a bomb hurts more if esplonde inside the building, consider possible to submit our lists of independent candidates in other parties or movements.
The important thing is that these candidates are independent (ie non-organic to the list in which you are applying) and are made into lists and / or in coalitions that schierino openly against the system and against the parties of the system, which in Italy are as follows:
Pdl, Pd, Northern League, UDC, API, FLI, The Right, PLI, MPA.
No member can apply for autonomous action within lists expressed by those parties.
symbol of Autonomous Action will never be on this ballot, except possibly for local elections (municipal or constituency). This is because the constituency or local elections closely and directly affect the Community, as early as the provincial level, the Community's interests are placed after the interests of the party, or coalition government.
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